Box 6 Item 01: Edith S. Thistlethwaite letters and papers, 1914-1923 - Page 58

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The Palace. Heliopolis. Aug. 30th. 1915.
My dearest Belle,
I daresay you & Al. will receive your letters together I beleive the mail closed earlier than was expected. Well, you must think I'm very lazy writing with pencil but it is much easier than pen & ink. My fountain pen is upstairs in my trunk & my friends forget to bring it to me.
I'm still in bed, much to my disgust but am feeling splendid. The Col. says he wants to be sure, so must just take things quietly and stay in bed. Well, I had a great number of visitors last week. Nearly all the Officers I know came to see me before leaving for the front. I fancy the last of the 6th Brigade left last night. I had four from the 24th in yesterday – it made me feel quite miserable. They are all as delighted as can be to be off – Such grand big fellows, with plenty of energy & pluck. Poor old Fred was to go yesterday sometime. He came in Saturday –

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