Box 6 Item 01: Edith S. Thistlethwaite letters and papers, 1914-1923 - Page 50

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have not made definite plans yet but most likely shall have a good time. Dorothy is still at Suez. Sister Murray is going back to Australia on Transport. I'm awfully sorry because we have become such good pals. She is taking a small parcel for me. A pair of red native slippers each for Belle, Ethel, Alice & Eddy. A string of Prayer Beads – 99 times & the long one is a third of the 99 – 33 – I thought Ethel might like them as a novelity. The Egyptian Bell is rather quaint too. Sorry I did not have time nor money to buy more for you all, but shall try & send better & more soon.
Nothing but excitement this afternoon. Sister Bolton rushed in to tell me Charlie is done in the Hall, has been ordered to Australia, to leave at 4.30. a.m. to-morrow. He is fearfully disgusted & disappointed at not getting to England. It is a pity too, because he will have to say good-bye again to his parents. We were going out at 4. p.m. for a trip around Cairo, but now he has to

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