Box 6 Item 01: Edith S. Thistlethwaite letters and papers, 1914-1923 - Page 23

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Heliopolis Palace Heliopolis
Palace Hotel. Heliopolis Cairo May 31st . 1915.
My dearest Mother & Sisters,
It will be Eth's birthday to-morrow, sorry I cannot afford another cablegram to wish her many Happy Returns, but better late than never.
Well, we are here at last & oh, it is a wonderful place. I'm in a fearful hurry but will start a long letter to you in a day or so to let you know all our movements. This is a magnificent Palace. It is a huge building, I shall try to send you a photo of the building. We are fearfully busy. I'm in the Officers Ward. & the poor fellows are awfully brave. You have no idea the what war is like, until you come here. Now I suppose you have heard that poor old Charlie has been wounded. He is here in Ward 4.A. I can tell you I got a shock when I saw his name on the list

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