State Library of NSW
[Page 94]
1st A.G.H. Ismailia. Egypt. May 18th 1916My dearest Jane,Really I am ashamed of myself at forgetting to write to you in time for your birthday. Anyhow I hope you had a very, very, Happy Birthday & lots of presents. Suppose Belle gave you mine – fancy I have been away for two of your birthdays now. I'm writing early in week, best begin when I have time. I wrote to Alice last Monday & since then have had rather an exciting time.Monday-night I received a wire from my beloved saying he was coming by that evening's train to say Good-bye leaving for France next day. So I got dressed & got a late pass from Matron, went to the station to meet him. Well, we had a sad but lovely time & returned to the Home before 11. p.m. Matron was awfully good indecipherable all to me
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