Box 6 Item 01: Edith S. Thistlethwaite letters and papers, 1914-1923 - Page 87

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1st A.G.H. Heliopolis. Egypt. Nov. 4th 1915.
My dearest Mother & Sisters.
Sister Murray arrived here yesterday, so I've got the lovely presents you sent me. They are all just what I wanted The night-gown is very nice and it was awfully good of you all to send me the singlets and nighty. All of them are very useful. I'm writing an extra P.C. to darling Eddy it was very sweet of him to send me the soap & torpedo, tell him I shall always keep it. The Lavender Bag is very dainty and the Red Cross is a great idea. Sister Murray was awfully pleased with hers and asked me to thank you but she is writing herself. The Cap is very dainty indeed and Bess is very good sending me it. I have two that I made myself but they are very "plain Jane" next to Bessie's. I shall write & thank her. It was very good of you to send the £1. but I have plenty. I'm thinking of sending some home. Am keeping £15 goldboys locked away & then shall try to bank the rest.

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