State Library of NSW
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from New Zealand and they had a glorious time fêted all over the place – they all looked splendid. The staff here is now nearly at its right number, so the sisters will be able to have a little time off-duty to rest.It is awfully sad about poor Laing. I can imagine how heart broken his mother & father will be. So glad to hear that Jean is such a good nurse. Hope her grandmother is better & that she will not find it too much for her. Have not received the parcel yet?Oct 6th 1915. It is time Wednesday so time to write some more before the mail closes.Sunday afternoon. Essie Craig, Cris Murray & I drove out to Chubbah Gardens – such a pretty drive, through a country of cotton plants & maize crops. Which are about 9 or 10 feet high. It is wonderful what a little
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