Box 6 Item 01: Edith S. Thistlethwaite letters and papers, 1914-1923 - Page 67

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[Page 67]

for inspection in the evening – it is hung up on a wall in a huge room - & is a very sacred cerem ceremony – admittance by ticket & men requested to remove their hats. The place was beautifully lit up, with elaborate chandeliers of white glass lit up by candles. Outside an avenue of flags (red) & these beautiful lights to the door of the building.
It is quite a festive occasion for the Egyptians – A band plays outside & quite a lot of jokes & laughing going on – When I return I shall be able to describe better. There is a wonderful procession in the morning about 7. a.m., so we did not go to see that. I believe some from here went & it was a grand sight.
I bought a little brass ornament for mother the other day, so am sending it with Essie Craig, also a few photo views which are very interesting, no doubt you will enjoy them when I return, also an Egyptian Hat Cap for Eddy called "A Tarbush", hope it will fit him. I had bought it before I received letter with his measurement of head. Sorry I have not got anything to send to the girls this time but have had to spend a little money

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