State Library of NSW
[Page 65]
The Palace. Heliopolis. Egypt. October 3rd 1915.My dearest Mother,It is your turn for a letter & I'm wondering when I shall receive another one from you. I wrote a post card to Eddy after receiving 20 & 21., now I have got no. 22 – from home.Hope dear little Eddy will not have any more trouble with his teeth, poor kiddy is starting early with toothache.So pleased to hear that Charlie looked so well & is improving, he had a lucky escape. I was speaking to the sister who nursed him when he first came here & she never thought he would ever be well again. His folk will be delighted to have him home for a while. I daresay you have seen Sister Murray by now & heard some news from her. I always try to write as often as I can & long letters if possible.Some of you said I should have a special day to write each week – of course you forget that you only write to me about once in 3 weeks & you know that the mail leaves every week – where – I have to write every week to my you folk & try to write to friends as often as I can, when sometimes it has been that hot that
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