State Library of NSW
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1st South African Gen Hosp. France. 15. 10. 16My dearest Mother & Sisters,This morning amongst my mail were two Aust. letters, one from Mrs Barrie dated Aust Aug. 21st & the other from Ella of Aug. 13th – so you see our letters are most erratically delivered. I quite expected one from home but was disappointed – must wait a little longer.I'm most distressed at not hearing from or of J – yet. I have a great battle to keep myself from thinking the worse – suppose shall receive an explanation some day. Fortunately, we have plenty of work & not much time to waste on thinking. Dont worry about me because I'm very well and quite understood when we parted that I should have to cultivate plenty of patients.The weather has been much brighter lately, so have managed to go out
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