State Library of NSW
[Page 144]
seated – but found a very swank place in the end also met a Red Cross Commissioner, who we knew in Egypt, so he joined our party, making us six. Afterwards we went to Regent Street to Cinema Show Picture "Battle Somme" & a very good show it is but very heart rending. Then had more tea & nourishment – Sister Watt had to catch 9. p.m. train & I also got one about the same time, reaching home about 10. p.m. tired out but found my letters waiting for me. Sorry I cannot tell you more but shall try to send a few more before the mail closes.I'm very well & as happy as can be under the circumstances. Suppose you have received my cable by now. Fondest love & kisses to you all & hope you are well.From, Yours lovingly. Edith.
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