State Library of NSW
[Page 131]
I arrived here just as some of my pals were going for a tram ride to Uxbridge, a place I have not been to, so I went with them. We had a delightful ride, through very pretty country, with crops partly gathered in, orchards, & vegetable gardens – quaint way-side Inns etc. When we returned to Southall about 9. p.m. found out a Café, so we all had hot coffee & ham sandwiches for 4 ½ d each. We had great fun – people wondering what we were – Someone asked If we were the new "Aust. Lady Members of Parliament – What think you? Then If we were the new "Lady Policemen"? so goodness knows what we looked like. We have to wear our regulation uniform & now have Stars & straps on our shoulders – It is very funny, we get the Salute now from the men, we can only bow, - but we get a lot of fun out of life.
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