Box 6 Item 01: Edith S. Thistlethwaite letters and papers, 1914-1923 - Page 130

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[Page 130]

He is still at Wandsworth Hospital but expects to leave there on Tuesday. His wound is nearly healed & most likely will have a couple of months leave – so is hoping his wife will come in the next few days.
Went to a very grand place for luncheon – then went to a matinée "Peg O' my Heart" & it is the prettiest little play I've ever seen. We both enjoyed it immensely. It was over about 5. p.m. then we got into a Taxi & went to a most beautiful place for afternoon tea The Torcodero? They are called the Concert Teas, some Swank. The music was beautiful & the whole affair was just what I love, oh, if only my boy was here to take me – I know it is just what he likes.
Capt. had to get back by 7. p.m. so he put me into the train at 6.15. p.m. & would have a rush to get to his Hospital by then.

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