State Library of NSW
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were competing but don't think they have ever ridden a horse before. Of course it was slow for us because we were strangers. Afternoon tea was also provided. Had to return for duty 6. p.m. so had a longer afternoon off.I did intend to go to church to-night but it is raining & sounds as if it had set-in for the night. Shall try to write more letters if staying in. We are supposed to vote to-morrow for or against Mi Compulsory Military Service etc. Shall tell you next letter how I've voted.I have not received one Melb. Paper since I've left Egypt. – The Una, I did receive last week – but no newspaper. We did wish to read what the Argus was saying about it. Received a paper "Manifesto to Australian Soldiers. from Mr W. M. Hughes, - read it & talked it over, so have quite decided which way to vote.
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