Moonnaum Boat Shaped Mountain
Wallama A Water-hole
Toollee A very deep Water hole
Byhee Iron Bark tree
Warnung Pine tree
Gerearram/Doongee A Big Creek
Cowad A Scrub
Boonhire/Boonhare Blood wood tree
Goowoone A Flood
Daroome Wild Orange tree
Woodcha Cedar tree
Conbere Silky Oak tree
Baramba A Wavey waterhole
Mongengoa A name of a Water hole which in olden days, through superstitious fear the blacks refused to go near it
Gooroomjam/Garroh Fighting ground for the blacks in olden days
Baringa Stinging tree
Monjure Lagoon surrounded with ant beds
Coongoolalinga Water fall
Boo,roo,ran,by Cave
Ucoongere/Boo-Boo Mountain, apples trees growing on it
Garoongaroi Rocky Mountain
Jonan Mountan, good hunting ground
Newram Bag shaped Mountain
Jurangunba Bottle tree Mountain
Morga Mountain, growing suitable timber for Blacks Weapons
Kinbombi Water hole adjoining Morga Mountain
Elamba Brown Snake Killed
Geearome Prickly bushes
Jurhay Curryjong trees
Moonoon Water hole, human foot formed
Wandooie Quinine trees
Cabpun Bruklou tree
Cee trees used for ropes and nets
Gooddinggers Mountain, Covered with Morton bay Ash
Ca,a,bon,yee Sugar bag Mountain
A Marshall
Act Sgt 5 5 00