Box 5 Folder 2: Queensland place names, 1900 - Page 56

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Bathar       Red soil

Doolbi       Nut tree

Degilbo       Big rock

Yin-Yin       Round scrub

Byamba       Where grubs are found

Gumbrarrah       Cobra grub

Waggarr       Mountain

Gumdigum       A star

Gurrinaming       Night owl

Woolgum       The sea

Giggoom       A cockatoo

Goragou       Honey Suckle tree

Girra       Sand

Gurran       A river

Gugera       Water reeds

Gumgool       Oak tree

Bupparawing       Small water hole

Goondigan       A star

Doogi       Small creek

Wocoon       spotted night hawk

Goolbo       Fig tree

Taroom       Fruit- tree

Darrang       Sandy creek

Biggentho       Stringy-bark-tree

Gurry       Prickly berry bush

Gorgul       Small island

Geiallie       A prickly scrub

Goorgorira       Black bird with [?] shoulders

Woongarra       Morton Bay Ash tree

Narrang       A Forest

Mundoon       A bone

Gunnamon       Eat liver

Moroonewor       Wattle tree

Careythin       Prickly thorns

Weeringorr       Rushes growing in water  

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