Box 5 Folder 2: Queensland place names, 1900 - Page 12

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Inspector of Police Normanton

Eralla     Bullock

Cathuko     Calf

Buthuna     Tree

Bouguorra     Coolibah

Burrago     Whiteman

Argoou     Kangaroo

Jingovery     Emu

Yambee     Dingo

Moochingoo     Dead man

Cooinda     Station

Palveroo     Fight

Mungulla     River

Muidie     Mountain

Yango     Fire

Yamboo     Water

[   argarun?]         Flood

Cuthergoo     baby

[Coedie?]     King

Mungon     Girl

Ugoo     Stars

Pundura     Wild duck

Marriah     Tomahawk

Euu      Snake

Wanboo     Devel Devel

Kalkigoo     Rain

Karvella     Thunder

Millgilla     Sulkey Woman

Cherricoo     Moon

Comboo     Sun

Thorra     Leg

Billgolla     Arm

Jedthuon     Mouth

Jaucon     Hair of head

Ear     Geman

Mangoree     Neck

Toolgavera     Back

Jannah     Foot

Monow     Hand

Murrogonroo     Finger

Eugoo     Eye

Naegar     Nose

Muluidie     Tongue

Cardoon     Grey hair

Cathee     Grass

Patra     Fish

Moojoey     Bone

Cabbagee     Night time

Cooribar     Day time

Womerie     Crow

Cutherbury     Hawk

Coolabudjee     Pidgeon

Tulga     Native Companion

Burgarnoo     Plane Turkey

Coogee     Sugar bag

Bootha      Ti Tree

Yalcabury     Boomerang

Congoon     Spear

Jowan     frog

Goonadee     Plain country

Magingu     Sand

Mambrobury     Iguana

Bangingoo     Man running

Berringoo     Cry

Withamango     Laugh

Yadthen     Corrobboree

Megeah     Mosquito

Chilchevona     Crocodile

Boomothera     Alligator

Melnar     Fly

Bindowan     Grasshopper

Pee Coo     Fingernail

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