Box 5 Folder 2: Queensland place names, 1900 - Page 111

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Inspector of Police

Recd. 25.6.00

Ino o. 1299



Oralbana       Grassmere Station

Imrigun       Rocky water hole

Ward-ru       Six mile hole

Thomoor       Ida Waterhole  - on Wallurn

Otherman       Waterhole near  [Doweboin?]

Num-argilla       Abbeglassie Station

Thumoor       Toomo Station

Boorinthunna       Burdebango Station

Ow-raline       Souths Lagoon

Tha-nena       Wild Horse Planis Stn

Ola-nena       Boalman Station

Moorooraby Clifton Station

Ungun       Bendeena Station

Hurdardlury       Australian Hotel

Taleela       Kenilworth

Noor-un-du         Luss Valel

Humbine       Homeboni Station

Tungy       Tongy Station

Dimena       Cambel Station

Underburys       Public House

Ironbay       Bundebango West Stn

Mullenbilla       Mona Station

Verina       Cyprus Downs Stn

Emburramba       Sixty five Mile Bore

Otheby       Whiteby Bore

Ongerin-Murra       Dunbar

Bulbin       Bulbin Hut

Yalbunda       Woolerina Station

Woo-ril-erang       Old Woolerina Station

Omburra       Coomburra Station

Mulga  Downs       Mulga Downs Station

Towrie       Toulby Station

Bundalen       Bundalen Station

Boo-la       Bulla Hut  

Moora Moora       Murra Murra Station

Boogoba       Bendee Downs Station

O-Vorrana       Bonna Vonna Station

Neaban       Asbine Creek

Boanberra       Ferulee Station

Wareanbuthie         Moorandoorah

Yunnerman       Theodore Touth Waterhole

Bollon       Bollon

Marble Murra       Thirsty Downs

Wallum       Wallum Creek

Hoomba       Pipers Setiction

Oo-ra       Caroiff Station

J M Grath

Sergeant 347

Bollon 19.6.00

Inspector Fitzgerald

Police Roma

[?] 25.6.00







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