Item 01: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 21 August 1914 - 20 March 1915 - Page 63
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[Page 63]
Dec 4th
they are very large thin-skinned oranges; we were paid £ 1.0.0 to each man this morning & it was very acceptable as we had only drawn 25/- since we left Rosebery & the canteen is not as cheap as it could have been, to say nothing of the silver we paid paid out to the cooks for cups of tea & eggs & bacon I believe I am still putting on condition & my mo. is progressing favourably;
just heard from the bridge that we are not to move into the wharf till to-morrow. at 6.30 to-night Orvieto bade us goodbye & good luck & started on her way to England, I am satisfied we are far enough north as last night was quite chilly it was also showeryyesterday this afternoon & last to-night.
Sat 5th
Last night was quite wintry here & quite cool enough down here on the troop deck with both blankets