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[Page 641]

March 1771.   To the Cape of Good Hope.

27. At 4 this morn we were taken aback by a strong breeze of wind at SW.  not without some danger as our people yet only recovering from their late Illnesses had scarce strengh to get the ship before the wind. all morn it blew fresh from the same point but at night veerd round to South  many Albatrosses & sheerwaters were about the ship all day.

28. Wind still at south  blew fresh but weather dry & clear; in the Even came to SE. several fish were about the ship.


1. Light winds & variable all day

2. Winds & weather much as yesterday  at night a Bank of Clouds were seen to the Wrd. which had very much the appearance of Land

3. Wind at SW with dirty foggy weather  in the evening some of the people thought that they saw Land but that opinion was rejected almost without examination as the journals in the ship which had been kept by the Log were still above a hundred Leagues and those which had been corrected by Observations of the Sun & Moon full 40. the night was cheifly calms & light breezes with fog & mist

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