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[Page 164]

Admiralty Bay

people has been succeeded by a fever  during the day many fish were taken in the ship   90. out of the Cabbin windows alone

30. Myself quite recoverd except a little soreness at my stomack  occasiond I suppose by reaching yesterday 
the weather being fair I resolvd to climb some hill in hopes of meeting some plants in the upper regions as none had been found in the lower  I did with great dificulty  walking for more than a mile in fern higher than my head  success however answerd my wishes & I got 3 plants which we had not before seen

after coming down I examind the stones which lay on the beach  they shewd evident signs of mineral tendency being full of Veins but I had not the fortune to discover any metal ore of metal (:at least that I knew to be so.) in them.  as the place we lay in had no bare rocks in its neighbourhood this was the only method of I had of even Conjecturing


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