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[Page 581]

Some account of Batavia

I shall give a short account, confining myself however to such as were in season during our stay here, beginning with a list of them.

        1. Champacka .... Michelia Champacca
        2. Cananga .... Uvaria Cananga
        3. Mulatti .... Nyctanthes Sambac
        4. Caracnassi
        5. Combang Tonquin .... Pergularia glabra
        6. Sundal Malam .... Polianthes tuberosa
        7. Bonga Tanjong .... Mimusops Elengi

all these sorts, were sold about the streets every night at sunset, either strung upon strings in wreaths of about 2 feet (a Duch ell) long, or made up into different sorts of nosegays, either of which cost about a halfpenny apeice, but I shall now proceed to give a short description of Each. 1. then Champacca  it grows upon a tree as large as an apple tree, & like it spreading, the flower itself consists of 15 longish narow petala, which gives it the appearance of being double, tho in reality it is not  its colour is yellow, much deeper than that of a Jonquil, which flower however it somewhat resembles in Scent, only is not so violently strong,  2. Cananga is a green flower, not at all resembling

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