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of which they sold without attempting to play any tricks  at last however one gentleman padled off with two different peices of cloth which had been given for one weapon  he got about 100 yards from the ship & thought himself safe  a musquet was fird after him which fortunately struck the boat Just at the waters edge & consequently made 2 holes in her  the people in her & the rest of the Canoes padled hard  as a finishing stroke to convince them of our superiority a round shot was fird over them & not a boat stoppd till they got ashore 
soon after this the Captn. went in the boats to seek a place for the ship to stay that she might observe the transit of mercury   it raind & as we were sure of staying 5 days Dr Solander & myself stayd on board  The Indians ashore were neither freinds nor foes  they shewd however much fear whenever our boats approachd them   after dinner the ship removd to the place he had found where were great plenty of birds   much Celery & good hopes of fish

5. This morn some canoes came off but brought nothing to sell   one old man whose name was Torava came on board   he seemd to be the cheif both today & yesterday but in all the transactions

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