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[Page 7]

is the Scurvy.  He speaks rather humbly of the appearance of his Crops, And his Breeding stock (which is now very considerable by his Supplies from hence) is encreasing & doing very well.  As you have such well chosen supplies from other quarters, I am almost ashamed to offer my Mite, which consists of the Seeds of an apple found at  Hunter & Patersons Rivers.  With this I enclose receipts from a Cask & a Box to your addres from Govr. Collins, I have desired Capt McAskill Commander of the Lady Barlow to keep them on board until he hears from you as well as some Boxes sent by Mr Brown which I hope will all get safe, as I have not yet received Cayleys [Caley's] Boxes I must wait his leisure but will take care the ship does not sail without them. 

I am informed Capt Colnet [James Colnett] not content with his conduct in this Colony, has had the Effrontery to profer a complaint against me to the Admiralty, from where it has gone

Current Status: 