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[Page 7]

it would be difficult to estimate the immense variety

of them spread over our vast continent. Though varying

so greatly there is however something about the Aboriginal 

language which suggests that the numerous dialects

must have sprung from a common source or origin.

In regard to about 40 words, no meanings are given

by Mr Hewitt but I have included them in the faint

hope that some day their meanings may be found out.

In view of the indistinctness of the original manuscript

I cannot be certain that all words and meanings contained

herein are correct but have no doubt that the 

great majority are so.

  With "place names" the local knowledge of Mr

R.C.Law Hon.y Secretary to the Clarence River

Historical Society, was useful and helpful to

me and to him my thanks are due.


                                  Rob.t L Dawson

                              June 1938

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