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The following words appear to be parts of Corrobboree songs.
No meanings given. —
"Yar-ro-ne gina, Kia Ki-yee N'gia
Ye Jen jen-ning, Karrah boo-gar,
Yur-rone gina, Kiah Ki-yee N'gia"
"Ah jer-ra-win, ya goon-yum, Wobil Wobil,
Kar-rhon-bay, wobil wobil, Kar-rhon-bay wobil wobil."
—Origin of the Corrobboree—
"The tradition on the Richmond of the origin of
the Corrobboree is that long ago there were three
brothers, all influential men, who had a
difference about their sway in those parts.
They were named Birrung, Mum-nor-ni and
Yabbrine. Having had a dispute Birrung
went north, Mummorai south and Yabbrine west.
The latter introduced the Corrobboree and it
was the means of uniting them all again."