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April Sunday 29 1917

Up for breakfast at 7.45 a.m. Easy game these last few days. We vote for Federal Elections today. Think Nationalists have overwhelming majority.
Quite the warmest day yet. Coats off. quite summery in fact. Our winter clobber we are beginning to discard for less & lighter wear.
A party of us walk over to Oliviers to see the 15 in "dud". Find two in fact. quite the biggest shell any of us had seen. stands up to one's armpit &amp one can only comfortably embrace it. "Tis wonderful how these mighty things can be propelled so far. They weigh about 15 cwt. Cordite & amateur mine explosions
Visit Y.M.C.A for service.
An exchange to 2nd A.G.H. came thro' for McBurney & self today. Notable. We leave the Amb. within the next day or two.

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