Item 02: Charles Monaghan diary, 1917 - Page 107
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[Page 107]
April Thursday 19 1917
No rain today!
This 3rd Field beats all creation. They are forever putting up tents & dragging them down again without apparent reason. We fall in for the job. At it all day today, but its not too dusty while fine. Fritz shells the village this morn – a doz. over in quick succession. Such a scatter!! The village was emptied in no time & pioneers working on the tram line scattered like sheep.- the best thing to do. A couple of horses careered down the road wounded - gaping holes in their flanks & sides. 10 men were wounded one died here at the M.D.S.
B. Reynolds & self walked to next village Fremicourt after canteen. Saw French cemetery where some Fritzes were buried. Vault. smashed open by a shell. exposing 3 coffins, one with lid smashed in, of long buried Messieurs.