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kind. In the mean time the deck-officers mess had been arranged for us to stay in. We received cigarettes & cigars and so they met us with kindness in every way. Later on a gramophone was even put to our disposal. I got through as Purser of "Markomania" which I very much regreted after wards.
After "Markomania", this beautiful ship which had served the "Emden" faithfully in the work of war, had been sunk "Poutoporos" turn came. Vice-steersman Mayer had caused all weapons and all secret papers to be thrown overboard. Mayer and his men were also taken on board "Yarmouth" The captain of "Poutoporos" appeared also on "Yarmouth" to claim from me the gratification which had been promised him by the commander of "Emden" as he had not given Mr. Bahl,1st officer from "Markomania"

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