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[Page 29]
27/1/17 Saw Doctor for bad cold sent to Hospital. Admitted 12 am Malarial Fever to spend two days at least
28/1/17 Hospital Quinine twice a day.
29-1 17 Lot of men leaving for Pretoria Hospital to day. Temperature 100 Sent to bed. dosed for fever still a rotten cold
30/1/17 Still in bed – allowed up in the afternoon met some Australian Ladies Visitors.
31-1-17. out of Bed but not allowed down to Town. Inspection of Hospital today
1-2.17. Train for Pretoria 11-20 am
Standerston 8-30 am 2/2/17
Germiston Pretoria 2 pm
Cantonments 3.30 pm (For ten days)
3rd 4th 5th 6th asked to be boarded promised to day or tomorrow
8th Particulars taken for Boa[rding]
9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th To be Boarded practically 2 pm.
Home to JoBerg Saturday 17th Feb. 1917
Rejoined May 4th for G E Africa
[Pages 27 to 34 contain various notes and lists – not transcribed.]
[Transcriber's notes:
Bibi spelt BiBi
Dar es Salaam variously spelt Daresaalam, Daresalam, Dar essalaam, D E Salaam, D E S etc
German Commander Von Letto-Vorbeck spelt Von Letta-Vorobeck
Iringa spelt Iranga
Kilimanjaro sometimes spelt Kilimangaro
Kilosa spelt Kilossa
Mgeta spelt MGeta
Mombasa spelt Mombassa
Morogoro sometimes spelt Monogora or Morogora
Mpwapwa spelt Mpapau or Mpapua
Moshi spelt Moschi
Rufiji River spelt Rufige
Taveta spelt Tavita
Place names are often misspelt and not all place names mentioned are positively identified or confirmed
There is frequent mention of friends Sive and Jimmy (or Jimsy/Jinny/Jinmy) Fraser but the spelling of the latter's first name is not clear.
With regard to the diary itself:
The writing is often difficult to read and some parts appear to have been overwritten, possibly at a later date. Entries are brief and sometimes cryptic and punctuation is erratic. ]
[Transcribed by Barbara Manchester for the State Library of New South Wales]