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[Page 45]

So the "Hotel" was disbanded, Captains, C.O's & C.E's moved into the Oldest Inhabitant's room, the Juniors moved into the room next door, & the crew were put out on the main floor of the hold. A new regulation is that no hammock may remain slung during the day. Food continues poor, although the bread has improved (thanks to the "Wairuna's" flour.)

For breakfast we still have bread & coffee (a little butter or jam is doled out occasionally), the midday meal is sometimes pea-soup (thick, vile-smelling stuff) and sometimes "Mrs Crippen" and dried potatoes.
For supper we had "something to eat" on Tuesdays and Friday.

"Something" consisted usually of horse-sausage.

On Sundays we had quite a celebration usually soup, Mrs Crippen & dried spuds, & rice mixed with cinnamon.

At 3 pm on Sundays we usually got large quantities of excellent cocoa.

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