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Mon 25th Nov.
I am ashamed to confess it, but as the "Kong Haakon" drew away from Hunland with the disconsolate 200 still seated in their 3rd class coaches, all I could spare for this dramatic leave-taking was a hasty glance through the saloon window before settling down to more Good Food. Past the white chalk cliffs of Rugen & North across the Baltic – and I snoozed in the dainty little cabin. Lunch was plain & perfect – delicious plain foods in any desired quantities.

A couple of unobtrusive notices warned us against overeating till our stomachs had become accustomed to Plentitude and Second Helpings. Then I slept again – coming on dusk to find ourselves in the grey misty Cattegat approaching the entrance to Copenhagen – a destroyer (Danish) accompanying us to be "on the spot" if we bumped a mine, presumably. In the misty sunset Copenhagen reminded me of Melbourne as seen from the river.

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