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2nd June.
Each had evidently been allotted his station by pre-arrangement – one I noticed particularly was the big German who at once went aft, lowered the Red Ensign and hoisted the German Flag. The Officer told our crew they were to perform their usual duties, he then asked for the Capt. and a little later came along to the saloon for a meal. He sat next to me, and from his appetite he was evidently no dyspeptic. – he had a genuine fondness for second helpings. He turned out to be Leutnant Dietrich, and was Mines Officer on the raider.

Spoke good English, had an oily manner. The latter took in our damned fool of a Chf Engr; who commenced gassing about a seaplane he had seen a few days ago in Auckland Harbour.

This information came rolling out without any questioning whatever from Dietrich, so he should certainly get some profitable information when he commences "pumping".

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