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Thu 9th May (cont)
After service we went to the hotel. The cashier of the lager is also Mine Host of the village Hotel. It is a comfortable old place has a fine dance-room, horrible gilt mirrors & a delightful old walled garden on the lake side full of apple & pear trees in full blossom and some well grown old chestnuts. The sort of place one would imagine as overflowing with cream and feather-beds, that hotel.

Fri. 10th.
A hell of a row in the early a.m. between the Highly Respectable and Very Drunk.

The V.D. came through the "carpet" ordeal with flying colours owing to a little mistake on the part of the H.R. Swimming commenced today. The dressing rooms down among the lakeside villas are reserved for us daily from 2.15 p to 3.30 pm.

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