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Wed 5th June (cont.)
Spend the afternoon lounging, sleeping, & so forth.

Do without afternoon tea today, being lazy, and at 5 pm serve up.
Fried bacon (a thin shaving each.)
Fried bread.
Bread with treacle or dripping.
Cocoa (with milk & sugar)

These luxuries are not always served. We either play or watch football from 7.30 to 9.30 p. More cocoa at 10 p & a walk round our odorous lake telling each other our sorrows beings us one day nearer "Holland or home."

Thu. 13th June.
A big explosion at the Meser (munition factory) about six miles away across the river.

Swimming parties were taken out today for a swim in the river. I went, of course.

Sat. 15th June.
About 30 English "tommies" arrived today from East Prussia.

Poor devils! Gaunt, hungry, filthy, & in rags.

Today is bath day, an Event of fortnightly occurrence.

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