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[Page 159]

Thu. 4th Apl. (cont.)

Karlsruhe was in darkness; all necessary lights were shaded, & all arriving train passengers were subjected to strict examination I was passed through the military examining gates.

Big notices are on view all over the station "To the cellars", [indecipherable] Fliegergefahr" (air-raid danger.) My Unteroffizier took me through the darkened streets to the ex-hotel "Europaischer Hof", now a receiving depot for officer-prisoners.

In the lobby he obtained a receipt for "ein Gefangener, Englische." The old blighter took quite an affectionate leave - (for one awful instant I though he was going to kiss me!) and wished me a "gluckliche Gefangenschaft" (a happy imprisonment) & the old thing was not sarcastic, either!

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