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[Page 24]

of an evening and watch that estimable character the Chf Engr sweating and grinding his yellow molars while he struggles to get his hammock in place. The sight almost compensates for all our discomfort.

To add to the joys of the "under-crust" the Creole mate has a playful habit of suddenly expectorating in enormous quantities from his upper berth to the deck underneath.

Also, our maisonette is suffering the Sneers of the Vulgar.

Our captain's mannerisms have annoyed the other opposition Officer's Quarters & a legend has arisen that the "Wairuna" was stopped by a sandbag. And, led by an Irishman with a gift in that direction, they have christened the old man – "Sandbag Saunders".

I am afraid it is one of those names that will live.

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