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[Page 105]

Thu. 17th Jan. (cont.)
Also, many of the Japanese are in various stages of syphilis. One half-rotten wretch was brought into the hospital today and occupies the next bed to me!

He is supposed to be quarantined but the "quarantine" consists of the Germans washing their hands whenever they touch him.

Another patient is my old pal, "Josh" (otherwise Cadet E.C. Cuthill.) On Christmas day a cow and 3 pigs were killed – the prisoners got minute portions of the cow, dried potatoes and a kind of pinkish jelly. The "jelly" was boiling hot when served out and as Josh was bringing a huge tinful along to this table he stumbled and fell down a companion-way. He was severely burnt by the sticky mess but – worst of all – the table lost their Christmas "pudding".

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