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I retained the blonde wig, (pulling it's Parisian perfection into an untidy tangle, donned a black high necked rig-out, replaced the beauty spot with some well-placed wrinkles & as jewellery wore a wedding ring & a long woman's watchchain.

A bunch of key's dangled from a girdle.
Songs 3rd Act. "Hello, you're carrying on" "Dance with Uncle Joseph" & "Take me back to "Yorkshire".

Sun. 1st Sep.
The ballet, Snowdon, Limb, & self posed for photos. Snowdon donned an elaborate tennis negligee; Smithy inserted me into Willans white "toilette". Thus garbed I posed with Rodell (in immaculate white-trousered uniform) The poses, though, were rotten.     At the evening's performance of "3 Nights the Majah tossed a bunch of nasturtiums over when I concluded Fitznoddle's letter. With languishing gratitude I stuck 'em in my tubby hand. The Majah is the head of the relief committee (the old bounder) and I have already become an acquisition to the mess by being able to get food out of him, being now the Majah's favourite artist at the Brandenburg Hippodrome. What!

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