Item 01: Bordeaux diary, 29 July 1914-3 January 1915 / Franz Bordeaux - Page 50

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Calcutta whilst this steamer is captured a new light is reported time 11pm. After the crew had been taken on board "Marckomania","King Lud" is blown up . Then the next steamer's turn comes. The 4 searchlights from Colombo are playing in the sky, and it almost appears as if they were giving us light to capture the steamer which is bound for Colombo . Soon we have also captured her . Her name is "Tymerik" (Glasgow) from East asia (Colombo) with sugar to England The crew is taken on board "Marckomania" and the boat blown up.

26th Sept. 1914 Saturday
At about 1pm the steamer "Gryfewall" runs into our hands. Home harbour London. "Gryfewale" had also been held up by "Konigsberg" but for some reason or other was let free. The crew of "King Lud" and "Tymerik" are taken on board "Gryfewale" which accompanies us

Sunday 27th Sept 1914
I was on middle watch from 12 to 4

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