Item 01: Bordeaux diary, 29 July 1914-3 January 1915 / Franz Bordeaux - Page 41

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[Page 41]

In the afternoon the steamer "Clan Matheson" is captured with gun metal from England to Calcutta. The crew is taken on board "Markomania" The steamer sent to the bottom. Heavy rain during the day & night

Beautiful weather. The sea is as smooth as a mirror, very favourable for coaling. This saves us at least 4 days. We are to coal in the bay. The captured greek steamer "Pontoporos" is laying alongside us. I am working in the officers mess as it is too hot in the bureau and besides the bulleyes are closed on account of the coal dust. A shark line is put out and I see a shark swimming by. He bites the bait and disappears. New bait is put on the hook. All of a sudden a coal lumper falls overboard between the two ships. Everybody runs to the starboard

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