Item 01: Bordeaux diary, 29 July 1914-3 January 1915 / Franz Bordeaux - Page 28

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[Page 28]

6 - 9/9/14
Course to the Bay of Bengal. We cross several trade-routes.
No unusual occurrence.

(At 1.50 am. A steamer came in sight. We approached her and she was stopped. A boat with an examining crew was sent over.)

Nothing new during the day. In the evening I have watch from 6.30 to 8. I promise to shout the steward a bottle of champagne as soon as we catch another steamer which is to be drunk---------.

Middle watch from 12 to 4. About 2 o'clock when I was dozing in my hammock on the signal deck (as the watch was with facilitation) suddenly a white light was seen fore of the starboard side, apparently a steamer. I imediately leave the hammock and go to my post on the searchlight platform and I had no sooner got

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