Item 01: Bordeaux diary, 29 July 1914-3 January 1915 / Franz Bordeaux - Page 78

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[Page 78]

29th Nov 1914
In the evening we sit comfortably in our corners listening to strange stories by Mr Gumdlach.
Object :- Africa

30th Nov 1914
Information of the capture of 2 german Army Corps is denied by the Russian General Staff

1st Dec 1914
Today I remembered that 29th Nov was my birthday. Papers bring no news.

2nd Dec 1914
Nothing to note

3rd Dec 1914
The rumour is about that the Italian firms here have been warned that, within a few days Italy will be forced to fight with Germany against England. Germany has promised Italy, Savoy and Malta, Austria - the former Italian territory . We all hold the opinion that if Italy joins us, against the Allies, the war will soon be over. An interesting article by a pro German American appears in the "Straits-Times of 2/12/14. It will clearly be seen from this article that Germany will be on top in this war. The last few evenings we sit outside and play cards. Unfortunately I have been practically forced to learn to play "Staat" in spite of papa's prohibition. It is not so bad as we are not gambling.

4th December 1914
Mr Briertz moves into camp W4. We drink to him.

5th Dec 1914]
Nothing important

7th Dec.1914
Grumdlach again in hospital

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