Item 01: Bordeaux diary, 29 July 1914-3 January 1915 / Franz Bordeaux - Page 74

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On the 7th Nov; two English cruisers were sunk by "Scharnhorst" &           "Gneisnau" on the Chile coast. To day a new Dutch paper has arrived which puts an end to all the lies of the local papers. Following Dutch news – all Belgium is in the hands of the Germans. Galicia has been cleared of the Russians by the Austrians, King Peter of Servia has been imprisoned for 3 weeks in Vienna.
Nothing is heard about the "Emden."

10th Nov.1914
Everybody in camp is busy writing, news year greetings to home. The thoughts come to me again, why must I sit here, why may I no longer risk my life for my fatherland. I would also like to write home, but what is the use. The "Emden" is still afloat and it is not necessary that they should know at home that I am imprisoned here. If only the war were over but then it is to hoped that I can go back home with the "Emden"
The paper just brings us the news headed ""Emden" done at last" She is said to have wrecked the wireless station on the Cocos Island, and cut the cable. Then suddenly the Australian cruiser "Sydney" appeared on the scene and got into action with "Emden" Thereupon "Emden" was beached and fought to the last. The "Sydney" is a big cruiser of 5000? tons with 30 more guns.
Although the news sounds very feasible, I can hardly believe it, I still have hope.

11th Nov 1914
Unfortunately the news of the disaster of the "Emden" is confirmed. There is said to be 200 deaths and many wounded. The Commander, several officers amongst whom is Prince Franz Joseph of Hohenzollern and

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