Halse war diary, 1 February 1916-4 May 1917/ Edward George Halse - Page 12

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[Page 12]

31.7.16 on Trek to rejoin our Reg with Col. Coen – probably 15 miles trek passed English Mission Station 12 am Germans have destroyed building and taken the Parson and family prisoners. Natives en route very pleased to see us (apparently) bring nuts milk eggs etc. as presents. "Kikombo" struck the line at 4 pm. Germans had destroyed bridge and blown up the pumping station. Everything will be easily repaired. Germs. supposed to have retired in direction of "Nomogama"? somewhere about 120 miles from here

1 Aug. Camping at Kikombo no Germans

2nd ditto 3rd ditto Picket at night – 3 mile from camp, fired on 3 natives at 12.30

4 Camp convoy arrived issue of Picket 3 days rations Biscuits first since Moschi

5th Sat. Camp all day picket at night.

6th Sun. Patrol called out suddenly Germans in neighbourhood false alarms.

7th Camp guard o'night our native prisoners cattle stealing

7 Camp all day outpost dismounted at night.

8.8-16 Aeroplane passed over camp going over railway line picket at night

9/8/16 Camp Picket at night

Left Kikombo at 7. a.m. 10/8/16 on a 80 mile patrol A & B Sqd. – 100 men – camped first night at big pan great rejoicing among the [indecipherable]

11-8-16 Trekked on to water halted 25 men stay behind Remainder move on towards another village 16 miles away.

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