Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0123

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Janry. 1770   Mouth of Cooks Streights 

bay  we stood across it all day  at night had the appearance of a harbour just ahead of us on the shore of which the natives made a fire  resolvd to stand off & on all night & in the morn go in

15. in the course of the last night we were drove to the Eastward more than we had any reason to expect  so much that we found ourselves in the morn past the harbour we intended to go into  another however was in sight into which we went  the land on both sides appeard most miserably barren till we got pretty deep in when it began to mend by gradual degrees  here we saw some canoes who instead of coming towards us went to an Indian town or fort built upon an Island nearly in the middle of the passage  which appeard crowded with people as if they had flockd to it from all parts  as the ship aproachd it they wavd to us as if to invite us to come to them but the moment we had passd by they set up a loud shout & every man brandishd his weapons which none of them were without  the countrey about us was now very fertile to appearance & well wooded so

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