Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0104

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them  Our Island cloth which usd to be so much Esteemd has now intirely lost its value  they have for some days told us that they have of it ashore & shewd us small peices in their Ears which they said was of their own manufacture  this at once accounts for their having been once so fond of it & now setting so little value upon it  towards noon however they sold a little dryd fish for paper cheifly or very white Island Cloth   among other things they told us that the man who was shot at with small shot on the 7th was dead  3 shot they said struck his Eye & I suppose found there an easy passage to his brain

In the Even we went ashore upon the Continent  the people receivd us very civily & as tame as we could wish  one general observation I here set down  that they Always after one nights consideration have acknowledgd our superiority but hardly before  I have often seen a man whose next neighbour was wounded or killd by our shot not give himself time the trouble to Enquire how or by what means he was hurt  so that at the time of their attacks they I beleive work themselves up into a kind of artificial Courage which does not allow them time to think much


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