Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0263

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[Page 263]

May 1770.   Botany bay   

Like those we were upon.
While we were employd in this walk the people hawld the Seine upon a sandy beach & caught great plenty of small fish. on our return to the ship we found also that our 2nd lieutenant who had gone out striking had met with great success  he had observd that the large sting rays of which there are abundance in the bay followd the flowing tide into very shallow water  he therefore took the opportunity of flood & struck several in not more than 2 or 3 feet water; one that was larger than the rest weigh'd when his gutts were taken out 239 pounds. our surgeon  who had strayd a long way from the people with one man in his company  in coming out of a thicket observd 6 Indians standing about 50 yards from him  one of these gave a signal by a word pronouncd loud  on which a lance was thrown out of the wood at him which however came not very near him  The 6 Indians on seeing that it had not taken effect ran away in an instant  but on turning about towards the place from whence the lance came he saw a young lad  who undoubtedly had thrown it  come down from a tree where he had been Stationd probably for that purpose  he descended

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