Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0250

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Botany Bay

passd within a quarter of a mile of them & yet they scarce lifted their eyes from their employment  I was almost inclind to think that attentive to their business & deafned by the noise of the surf they neither saw nor heard her go past them   at 1 we came to an anchor abreast of a small village consisting of about 6 or 8 houses  soon after this an old woman followd by three children came out of the wood  she carried several peice of stick & the children also had their little burthens  when she came to the houses 3 more younger children came out of one of them to meet her   she often lookd at the ship but expressd neither surprize nor concern  soon after this she lighted a fire & the four Canoes came in from fishing  the people landed  hauld up their boats & began to dress their dinner to all appearance totaly unmovd at us  tho we were within a little more than 1/2 a mile of them  of all these people we had seen so distinctly through our glasses we had not been able to observe the least signs of Cloathing  myself to the best of my judgement plainly discernd that the woman did not copy our mother Eve even in

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