Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0230

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numerous harbours at the mouth of Cooks Streights where they would be sure to meet with plenty of Water  Wood & fish  here they should arrive by the month of October that they might have the good season before them to run across the South Sea Which by reason of the Prevailing westerly winds they would easily be able to do in any Latitude & if in doing this they should not fall in with a Continent they might still be of service by Exploring the Islands in the Pacifick Ocean where they might refresh themselves & proceed home by the East Indies  Such a Voyage, as a Voyage of Mere Curiosity  should be promoted by the Royal Society to whoom I doubt not but his majesty would upon a proper application grant a ship as the subject of such a voyage seems at least as interesting to Science in general & the increase of Knowledge as the Observation which gave rise to the Present one  the small expence such an Equipment is to goverment is easily shown  I will venture roundly to affirm that the Smallest

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