Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0213

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[Page 213]

Some account of New Zealand

as the Indians of North America do scalps  they had their ornament in their ears as when alive & some seemd to have false eyes but they he was very jealous of shewing them  One I bought tho much against the inclinations of its owner for tho they he likd the price I offerd they he hesitated much to send it up the head yet having taken the price I insisted either to have that returnd or the head given given but could not prevail untill I enforc'd my threats by shewing Him a musquet on which they he chose to part with the head rather than the price they he had got which was a pair of old Drawers of very white linnen  it appeard to have belongd to a person of about 14 or 15 years of age & evidently shewd by the contusions on one side of it that it had receivd many violent blows which had chippd of a part of the scull near the eye  from hence & many more circumstances I am inclind to beleive that these Indians
[Margin note] no priso:rs
give no quarter or ever take prisoners, to eat upon a future occasion as is said to have been practisd by the Floridan Indians  for had they done so this young creature who could not make much resistance would have been a very proper subject 

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